
A New Cadence in June --- Stengel and Reed

A New Cadence Poetry Series


Marthe Reed
Jill Stengel

reading from their works

June 19th
@ 7:30
Felix Kulpa Gallery
107 Elm Street, Santa Cruz, CA

Jill Stengel is a poet, publisher of a+bend press, and parent of three young children. Formerly of San Francisco and Los Angeles, she now resides with her family in Davis, CA. Several of her serial poems have appeared in chapbook form: cartography (1999, WOOD); History, Possibilities : (1999, a+bend press); ladies with babies (2003, Boog); lagniappe (2008, Nous-Zot Press, Dusie Kollektiv); late may (2007, Dusie); may(be) (2006, Dusie); and the forthcoming and I would open (Ypolita) and wreath (Texfiles). Some of these chapbooks, and individual poems, can be viewed online as well as in print, and she has new work in the forthcoming anthology Kindergarde. Her first full-length collection is forthcoming from Black Radish Books in 2010.

Marthe Reed is an Assistant Professor at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, and the Director of Creative Writing. She has two collections of poetry, Gaze, published by Black Radish Books, and Tender Box, A Wunderkammer, published by Lavender Ink, as well as two chapbooks, zaum alliterations and (em)bodied bliss, both part of the Dusie Kollektiv series. Her poetry has appeared in journals such as New American Writing, Golden Handcuffs Review, New Orleans Review, and Sulfur, as well as e'zines such as HOW2, MiPoesias, Exquisite Corpse, Aught, eratio, Word For/Word, and Moria. Her manuscript, an earth of sweetness dances in the vein, was a finalist in Ahsahta Press' 2006 Sawtooth Poetry Contest. Marthe Reed edits the chapbook press Nous-zot Press. Her training includes an A.M. in Creative Writing. from Brown University, an M.A. in English and American Literature from U.C. San Diego, and a PhD in the poetics of place from the University of Western Australia.

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