
A New Cadence For January: Lentine and Shufran

A New Cadence Poetry Series


Genine Lentine
Lauren Shufran

reading from their works

Saturday, January 22th
@ 7:30
Felix Kulpa Gallery
107 Elm Street, Santa Cruz, CA

Genine Lentine’s chapbook Mr. Worthington's Beautiful Experiments on Splashes was published in 2010 by New Michigan Press: Another chapbook, Poses: An Essay Drawn from the Model was published in August by the g.e. Series at Books and Bookshelves. Her essays and interviews have appeared in American Poetry Review, American Speech, Diagram, Gulf Coast, Ninth Letter, O, the Oprah Magazine, Shambhala Sun, and Tricycle. The Wild Braid: A Poet Reflects on a Century in the Garden, her collaboration with Stanley Kunitz and photographer Marnie Crawford Samuelson was published by W.W. Norton in 2005. Current projects include Slug or Snail: An Assay on Velocity and Viscosity, and Love Serenade. Ongoing public projects include Listening Booth, Spacewalks, and The Heinous Task Table, all of which took shape in a 2009 Project Space residency at the Headlands Center for the Arts.

Lauren Shufran is a first-year PhD candidate in the Literature Department at UCSC. She received her MFA from San Francisco State University, and is actively involved in Small Press Traffic, San Francisco's longest-running non-profit literary organization. Burrow was published by Hooke Press in 2006; recent work has appeared in Try!, P-Queue, Yellow Edenwald Field, and War and Peace.

For more info contact James Maughn @ jamaughn AT cabrillo dot edu

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