
A New Cadence in February - Kahl and McKinney

A New Cadence Poetry Series


Joshua McKinney &
Tim Kahl

reading from their works

Saturday, February 19th
@ 7:30
Felix Kulpa Gallery
107 Elm Street, Santa Cruz, CA


Joshua McKinney is the author of two award-winning books of poetry: Saunter, co-winner of the University of Georgia Press Poetry Series Open Competition in 2002, and The Novice Mourner, winner of the Dorothy Brunsman Poetry Prize in 2005. He has also published two poetry chapbooks: Saunter (Primitive Publications, 1998) and Permutations of the Gallery (Pavement Saw Press, 1996), winner of the Pavement Saw Chapbook Contest. His poems have appeared in over one hundred national journals such as American Letters & Commentary, Boulevard, Colorado Review, Denver Quarterly, The Kenyon Review, New American Writing, Ploughshares, Poetry International, Prairie Schooner, and many others. His other awards include The Dickinson Poetry Prize and a Gertrude Stein Award for Innovative American Writing. He is a four-time Pushcart Prize nominee.

Tim Kahl is the author of Possessing Yourself (Word Tech, 2009). His work has been published in Prairie Schooner, American Letters & Commentary, Berkeley Poetry Review, Fourteen Hills, George Washington Review, Illuminations, Indiana Review, Limestone, Nimrod, Ninth Letter, Notre Dame Review, South Dakota Quarterly, The Journal, Parthenon West Review, The Spoon River Poetry Review, The Texas Review, and many other journals in the U.S. He has translated German poet Rolf Haufs, Austrian avant-gardist, Friederike Mayröcker; Brazilian poets, Lêdo Ivo and Marly Oliveira; and the poems of the Portuguese language's only Nobel Laureate, José Saramago. He also appears as Victor Schnickelfritz at the video, poetry book review and poetics blog The Great American Pinup. He is also the editor for Bald Trickster Press, which is dedicated to works of poetry in translation into English.

For more information contact jamaughn@cabrillo.edu or see anewcadence@blogspot.com

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