
A New Cadence in May - Scharf and Kaplan


Josef Kaplan
Michael Scharf

Saturday, May 7, 2011
Felix Kulpa Gallery
107 Elm Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
(Behind Streetlight Records)


Josef Kaplan is the author of Our Heavies and Peace, and co-author of Dunk Runts with Gordon Faylor. He co-edits Sustainable Aircraft, an online journal of mostly criticism on contemporary poetry, and Tea Party Republicans Press.

Michael Scharf's poetry "mimics a vernacular language so debased it does actual harm." He was poetry reviews editor at Publishers Weekly from 1997 until 2006. At Poets & Writers magazine, he founded and wrote the column Metromania. In 1999, he founded Harry Tankoos Books, which publishes books and chapbooks; in 2006, with the poet Joshua Clover, he co-founded the small press ingirumimusnocteetconsumimurigni, publisher of Kevin Killian's Action Kylie, among other books. He holds a B.A. in cognitive science from Vassar College, and an M.A. in linguistics from Brown University. His work has appeared in Chain, ubuweb, Jacket, the Germ, and the Poetry Daily Essentials anthology.

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