
A New Cadence in June- Meetze and Carr



James Meetze


Emily Carr

Saturday, June 18, 2011
Felix Kulpa Gallery
107 Elm Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
(Behind Streetlight Records)

James Meetze is the author of I Have Designed This For You (2007), and editor, with Simon Pettet, of Other Flowers: Uncollected Poems by James Schuyler (2010). His new book, Dayglo, won the 2010 Sawtooth Poetry Prize, judged by Terrance Hayes.

Emily Carr’s first book, directions for flying (Furniture Press), was the winner of the 2009 Furniture Press Poetry Prize. Her chapbook, the story will fix you it is there outside your &, was published in Toadlily Press’s 2009 Quartet Series. In 2010, Emily was a Poetry Fellow at the Vermont Studio Center & Writer in Residence at the Jack Kerouac House. You can read her work in recent issues of Prairie Schooner, The Spoon River Poetry Review, Hayden’s Ferry Review, The Journal, Bombay Gin, Margie, Interim, Caketrain, Phoebe, Fourteen Hills, The Capilano Review, So To Speak, dusie, and Versal. She is the author of 13 ways of happily, out now from Parlor Press.

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