
A New Cadence in October: Lease, Perrière, Corwin

A New Cadence Poetry Series


Joseph Lease,

Donna de la Perrière


Nina Corwin

reading from their works

October 22TH, 2011
@ 7:30
Felix Kulpa Gallery
107 Elm Street, Santa Cruz, CA


The recipient of a 2009 Fund for Poetry award, Donna de la Perrière is the author of Saint Erasure (Talisman House, 2010), a finalist for the Northern California Booksellers Association’s 2011 Book of the Year Award, and True Crime (Talisman House, 2009).Her work has appeared in Agni, American Letters and Commentary, Colorado Review, Denver Quarterly, Five Fingers Review, New England Review & Bread Loaf Quarterly, New American Writing, Volt, and other journals as well as No Gender: Reflections on the Life and Work of kari edwards (Litmus Press, 2009) and Bay Poetics (Faux Press, 2006).

Joseph Lease's critically acclaimed books of poetry include Testify (Coffee House Press), Broken World (Coffee House Press), and Human Rights (Talisman House, second edition forthcoming). Lease’s poems “’Broken World’ (For James Assatly)” and "Send My Roots Rain" have been selected for Postmodern American Poetry: A Norton Anthology (Second Edition).  "'Broken World' (For James Assatly)" was also selected for The Best American Poetry 2002. His poems have also been featured on NPR and published in The AGNI 30th Anniversary Poetry Anthology, Bay Poetics, No Gender, The Paris Review, Colorado Review, Denver Quarterly, New American Writing, and elsewhere.  Marjorie Perloff wrote: “The poems in Joseph Lease’s Broken World are as cool as they are passionate, as soft-spoken as they are indignant, and as fiercely Romantic as they are formally contained.  Whether writing an elegy for a friend who died of AIDS or playing complex variations on Rilke’s Duino Elegies (“If I cried out, / Who among the angelic orders would / Slap my face, who would steal my / Lunch money”), Lease has complete command of his poetic materials.  His poems are spellbinding in their terse and ironic authority: Yes, the reader feels when s/he has finished, this is how it was—and how it is.  An exquisite collection!”  And Michael Bérubé called Broken World “remarkably inventive and evocative work from Joseph Lease, one of the finest poets writing today.”

Nina Corwin is the author of two books of poetry, The Uncertainty of Maps and Conversations With Friendly Demons and Tainted Saints. Her work has appeared in ACM, Forklift OH, Hotel Amerika, New Ohio Review, Southern Poetry Review, Verse and has been nominated for the Pushcart prize. Corwin is an Advisory Editor for Fifth Wednesday Journal and curates readings at Woman Made Gallery in Chicago where she co-edited Inhabiting the Body: A Collection of Poetry and Art By Women. She has read and performed her work across the country, at times set with musical or choreographic compositions. In daylight hours, she is a psychotherapist known for her work on behalf of victims of violence.

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