
A New Cadence in April, Part 1

A New Cadence Poetry Series


Stephen Vincent
& Jean Vengua

reading from their works

April 3rd, 2010
@ 7:30
Felix Kulpa Gallery
107 Elm Street, Santa Cruz, CA

Poet, essayist, editor, and long-time resident of San Francisco, Stephen Vincent was founder, publisher, and editor of Momo's Press and Shocks magazine in the nineteen-seventies. During the eighties and early nineties, he was the founding Director of Bedford Arts, Publishers, which became an internationally renowned publisher of art books. Stephen Vincent's most recent books of poetry include Walking Theory (Junction Press), Walking (Junction Press), A Walk Toward Spicer (Cherry On the Top Press), and two ebooks, Sleeping With Sappho (, and Triggers.

Jean Vengua is the author of Prau, published by Meritage Press. Her poetry has been published in various anthologies and journals, including Babaylan, Otoliths, Sidereality, Moria, X-Stream, Returning a Borrowed Tongue, Going Home to a Landscape, Bay Poetics, Interlope, and Fugacity. Her chapbook, The Aching Vicinities, was published in 2006 by Otoliths, and is available at

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