
Two Readings Next Week!

Please join us next week for two outstanding readings:

Wednesday, April 21st: Tiziano Fratus (W/James Maughn)

Saturday, April 24th: Nicole Mauro and Carrie Hunter (Please note this reading is on Saturday, the 24th, NOT Monday the 26th.)

A New Cadence Poetry Series


Tiziano Fratus

reading from his poetry in Italian,
w/James Maughn reading English translations

Wednesday, April 21st
Felix Kulpa Gallery
107 Elm Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
(Behind Streetlight Records)

Admission is free

Tiziano Fratus was born in Bergamo in 1975. He published eleven collections of poems in Italy as Il Molosso (2005, 2007), Il Vangelo della Carne (Flesh Gospel, 2008), La staticità dei pesci martello (Static Nature of Hammerhead Sharks, 2008), Il respiro della terra (The Breath of the Earth, 2009), Historias de Malo Amor. Poesie carnali (Flesh Poems, 2010) and some in other countries as A inquisiçao (Lisbon, 2004), Poémes chuchotes sur la berge du Po (Lugano, 2008), A Room in Jerusalem (Brooklyn, 2008), 5PX2 (Edinburgh, 2009), Double Skin (Singapore, 2009). He collaborated with publishers and reviews before founding in 2006 the Festival and the Editions of Torino Poesia, that became one of leading centers in promotion of the world of the new voices of Italian poetry. On October 2009 he was one the founders of the Poeteca (Poetry Library) in Pinerolo. He presented his poetry in three continents, in festivals as Ars Poetica (Bratislava), Salon du Livre (Montpellier), SWF (Singapore), at Italian Cultural Institutes in several countries, in poetry houses as Casa Fernando Pessoa (Lisbon), The Poetry Center (Chicago), Casa della Poesia (Milan), in US. Anthologies of his poetry have been translated and published in the USA and in Brasil, a new one will be published in France. He’s working at the new wide poem titled L’uomo radice (The Root Man).

A New Cadence Poetry Series


Carrie Hunter
Nicole Mauro

reading from their works

Saturday, April 24th
@ 7:30
Felix Kulpa Gallery
107 Elm Street, Santa Cruz, CA

Carrie Hunter has been published online in Moria Poetry, Eratio Postmodern Poetry, Aught, Turntable & Blue Light, Wordplay, Dusie, Parcel, and Sawbuck, and in print in SCORE magazine and CRIT Journal 2. Her chapbook Vorticells was published by Cy Gist Press, as well as the e-/chapbook Kine(sta)sis at Dusie. She received her MFA/MA in Poetics at New College of California, edits ypolita press (, and lives in San Francisco. Her book The Incompossible will be published in 2010/2011 by Black Radish Books.

Nicole Mauro is the author of The Contortions (Dusie, 2009). Her second book, Tax-Dollar Super-Sonnet, Featuring Sarah Palin as Poet, is forthcoming from Black Radish Books in 2010. She is the author of the chapbooks Odes, Dispatch (with Marci Nelligan), The Contortions, and Tax-Dollar Super-Sonnet. In addition, she is the co-editor of Intersection: Sidewalks and Public Space (with Marci Nelligan, ChainArts, 2008), the first in the ChainLinks book series. Her poems, criticism and essays have appeared in numerous online and print publications. She teaches writing and rhetoric at The University of San Francisco, and lives in the bay area with her husband, Patrick, and daughters Nina and Faye.

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