
April 2nd: Leslie, Baus, Rexilius



Andrea Rexilius
Eric Baus
Juliana Leslie

Saturday, April 2, 2011
Felix Kulpa Gallery
107 Elm Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
(Behind Streetlight Records)

Andrea Rexilius completed her Ph.D. in Literature and Writing at the University of Denver. She is co-editor of Marcel Press. She is the author of TO BE HUMAN IS TO BE A CONVERSATION (Rescue Press, 2011) and HALF OF WHAT THEY CARRIED FLEW AWAY (Letter Machine Editions, 2011).

Eric Baus was born in Fort Wayne, Indiana in 1975. His publications include Tuned Droves (Octopus Books, 2009), The To Sound (Verse Press, 2004; Winner of the 2002 Verse Press, selected by Forrest Gander), and the chapbooks The Space Between Magnets (Diaeresis), A Swarm In The Aperture (Margin to Margin), and Something Else The Music Was (Braincase Press). He edits Minus House chapbooks, and currently lives in Denver.

Juliana Leslie was born in Cooperstown, New York, and currently lives in Santa Cruz, California. She holds degrees from University of California, Santa Cruz; Mills College; and University of Massachusetts, Amherst. MORE RADIANT SIGNAL is her first book.

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