
March 19th Fernandez, Klein and Martin,



Ish Klein, Robert Fernandez
& Diane K. Martin

Saturday, March 19th
Felix Kulpa Gallery
107 Elm Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
(Behind Streetlight Records)

Robert Fernandez was born in 1980 in Hartford, Connecticut and raised in South Florida. He is the recipient of fellowships from the Iowa Writers's Workshop and the University of Iowa Department of English. We Are Pharaoh is his first book.

Ish Klein grew up in Long Beach, NY. Her book Moving Day will be out in 2011 from Canarium books. A dvd of her videos will also be released from Poor Claudia of Portland, Oregon. She's lived all over the world and now lives in Amherst, MA with the writer Greg Purcell.

Diane Kirsten Martin has been published on Poetry Daily, in Field, New England Review, Crazyhorse, Third Coast, North American Review, 32 Poems, Tar River Review, CutBank, and Nimrod, among others. Diane's collection, Conjugated Visits was pubished by Dream Horse Press in spring 2010. She lives in San Francisco.

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