
A New Cadence in February

We're back...

A New Cadence Poetry Series


Irish Poet,

Nell Regan

reading her work

Sunday, February 19th

Felix Kulpa Gallery
107 Elm Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
(Behind Streetlight Records)

Admission is free

Nell Regan is an Irish writer at UC Berkeley as a Fulbright Scholar. Her debut poetry collection Preparing for Spring, Arlen House, 2007 was nominated for the Glen Dimplex New Writing Awards and Strong First Collection Awards among others. A new sequence of poems Bound for Home, commissioned by Cork County Council has just been published by Arlen House and will be distributed by Syracuse University Press. Her work has been published widely in Irish, British and US journals. She is the recipient of Literature Bursaries from the Irish Arts Council, Dun Laoghaire/ Rathdown County Council. She was an Writing Fellow at the International Writing Programme at Iowa University this Fall and is currently completing her third book. She has also published non fiction including historical biography and travel articles.

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