
A New Cadence in March: Sweeney and Marashi

A New Cadence Poetry Series


Chad Sweeney & Mojdeh Marashi

A trilingual reading!
The Art of Stepping Through Time: Selected Poems of H.E. Sayeh 1948-2000 (White Pine Press)


Wolf’s Milk: the Lost Notebooks of Juan Sweeney (Forklift, Ohio)

7:30 pm, SATURDAY, MARCH 24TH 


The Art of Stepping Through Time: Selected Poems of H.E. Sayeh spans more than fifty years of production by one of Iran’s most important contemporary poets. They will read these musical poems in both Persian and English! The book was supported by grants from the NEA, New York Council on the Arts, the San Francisco Arts Council and the Witter Byner Foundation.

Wolf’s Milk: The Lost Notebooks of Juan Sweeney is a bilingual edition, the first of its kind, a “translation” from a fictitious poet, the great Irish Spaniard poet, Juan Sweeney. Chad will read from it in both langauges.

Chad Sweeney teaches in the MFA program at California State University, San Bernardino. He is the author of four books of poetry, most recently, the Spanish/Enlish bilingual Wolf’s Milk: Lost Notebooks of Juan Sweeney (Forklift, 2012) and Parable of Hide and Seek (Alice James, 2010) which was a Cold Front Magazine best book of 2010 and a finalist for Foreword Magazine’s Poetry Book of the Year. He is cotranslator of the Selected Poems of contemporary Iranian poet H.E. Sayeh, the “modern Hafiz.” Sweeney’s poems have appeared widely, including in Best American Poetry, The Pushcart Prize Anthology, American Poetry Review, New American Writing and Garrison Keillor’s Writer’s Almanac. He lives in Redlands with his wife, poet Jennifer K. Sweeney and their son Liam.

Mojdeh Marashi is a writer, artist, and designer whose work is deeply influenced by the ancient and modern history of Iran. Born in Iran, she moved to U.S. in 1977 and has been based in the San Francisco Bay Area since. Filled with a deep longing for the culture she was raised in, she cofounded YALDA cultural organization in 1986, teaching Persian languageclasses and co-hosting the weekly radio program “Rang aa Rang (Colorful)” on KUSF, the University of San Francisco’s radio station. She has an MA in Interdisciplinary Arts and an MA in Creative Writing from San Francisco State University. Her fiction was chosen for the anthology Let Me Tell You Where I’ve Been: Women of the Iranian Diaspora (University of Arkansas, 2006), and her translations (with Chad Sweeney) have appeared in Crazyhorse, Indiana Review, Poetry International, American Letters & Commentary, Atlanta Review, Seattle Review, Subtropics and Washington Square. She has traveled twice to Iran to work directly with H.E. Sayeh for this project.

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